

This page documents how to install FAME on Ubuntu. FAME being written in Python, you can install it on the system of your choice.

The easy way

The most easy way to run FAME is:

$ git clone
$ cd fame/docker
$ cp fame.env.template fame.env
$ echo "DEFAULT_EMAIL=admin@changeme.fame" >> fame.env
$ echo "DEFAULT_PASSWORD=changeme" >> fame.env
$ docker-compose up --build

Then browse http://localhost:4200/ using your web browser, and login using the docker first run default credentials (admin@changeme.fame / changeme)

These commands are very nice for having a first look to what fame is, but you may also want to install fame without docker. This is especially true given that FAME use docker internally for its activities, which leads to Docker-in-Docker situation.

Here is how to install fame without docker :


Install dependencies:

$ sudo apt install git python3-pip python3-dev python3-virtualenv


FAME also relies on MongoDB as a database. You should not install MongoDB using apt because it is using an old version that will not work. Instead, follow installation guidelines available on MongoDB’s website:


MongoDB does not have to be on the same system as FAME’s web server.

If needed, you should make sure to make MongoDB start when the system boots:

$ sudo systemctl enable mongod

Make sure that MongoDB is started:

$ sudo systemctl start mongod

By default, MongoDB only listens on localhost. If your MongoDB instance is on a different server than FAME, or if you plan to use remote workers, you should change this setting in the configuration file (/etc/mongod.conf) by commenting the bindIp directive:

  port: 27017
#  bindIp:

It is also recommended to enable authentication on the MongoDB server. In order to do this, start by creating an admin user, as well as a user for FAME:

$ mongosh
> use admin
switched to db admin
> db.createUser({ user: "admin", pwd: "SOME_STRONG_PASSWORD", roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ] })
Successfully added user: {
   "user" : "admin",
   "roles" : [
           "role" : "userAdminAnyDatabase",
           "db" : "admin"
> use fame
switched to db fame
> db.createUser({ user: "fame", pwd: "SOME_OTHER_STRONG_PASSWORD", roles: [ { role: "dbOwner", db: "fame" } ] })
Successfully added user: {
    "user" : "fame",
    "roles" : [
            "role" : "dbOwner",
            "db" : "fame"

Then, you have to enable RBAC in the configuration file (/etc/mongod.conf):

  authorization: enabled

All these modifications will only be effective once mongod is restarted:

$ sudo systemctl restart mongod


Some modules rely on docker to properly execute. If you want to use these modules, follow these additional instructions.

Install docker:

$ sudo apt install

Add the user to the docker group:

$ sudo groupadd docker
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Restart the system for changes to be effective:

$ sudo reboot

Install FAME

Start by cloning the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd fame

Run the install script, and answer the questions (choose ‘1’ for installation type):

$ utils/ utils/


Every FAME command has to be run with utils/ This makes sure that everything takes place in FAME’s virtualenv and will create it if it does not exists.

On Windows, you have to use utils/run.cmd.

Running FAME

For FAME to work properly, you should have the web server running:

$ utils/

As well as a worker:

$ utils/

Installation on a production environment

The commands shown above are good for development environments. In production, you will want to run the web server and the worker as daemons.


In this paragraph, we will describe how to set up FAME in production environments on Ubuntu, using nginx, gunicorn and systemd. If your setup differs, you will have to adapt these instructions.

Register the web server and the worker as services

Install gunicorn:

$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip3 install gunicorn

Create a systemd configuration file for the web server, at /etc/systemd/system/fame_web.service:

Description=FAME web server
After =

PermissionsStartOnly = true
PIDFile = /run/fame/
WorkingDirectory = /REPLACE/WITH/YOUR/PATH/fame
ExecStartPre = /bin/mkdir /run/fame
ExecStartPre = /bin/chown -R REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_USER:REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_USER /run/fame
ExecStart = /REPLACE/WITH/YOUR/PATH/fame/env/bin/gunicorn webserver:app -b --pid /run/fame/ --chdir /REPLACE/WITH/YOUR/PATH/fame --workers=2 --timeout 300 --access-logformat '%({x-forwarded-for}i)s %(h)s %(l)s %(u)s %(t)s "%(r)s" %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s"' --access-logfile -
ExecReload = /bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
ExecStop = /bin/kill -s TERM $MAINPID
ExecStopPost = /bin/rm -rf /run/fame
PrivateTmp = true
StartLimitBurst = 0


Create a second systemd configuration file for the worker, at /etc/systemd/system/fame_worker.service:

Description=FAME workers

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'cd /REPLACE/WITH/YOUR/PATH/fame && utils/'


In both files, make sure to replace REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_USER with the user that should run FAME (usually the one used in order to clone the repository), and /REPLACE/WITH/YOUR/PATH/fame with the path to your FAME installation.

Then, enable the two services, so that they automatically start at boot time, and start them:

$ sudo systemctl enable fame_web
$ sudo systemctl enable fame_worker
$ sudo systemctl start fame_web
$ sudo systemctl start fame_worker

Serve the application with nginx

Install nginx:

$ sudo apt install nginx

Remove the default configuration file:

$ sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Create the file /etc/nginx/sites-available/fame with the following contents:

server {
    listen 80 default_server;

    # Allows big file upload
    client_max_body_size 0;

    location / {
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
      proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

    location /static/ {
      alias /REPLACE/WITH/YOUR/PATH/fame/web/static/;

Once again, make sure to replace /REPLACE/WITH/YOUR/PATH/fame with the path to your FAME installation.

Enable your configuration file, and restart nginx:

$ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/fame /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/fame
$ sudo systemctl restart nginx

Finally, make sure static files can be read by the nginx user:

$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /REPLACE/WITH/YOUR/PATH/fame/web/static
$ sudo usermod -aG $USER www-data
$ reboot
$ # Depending on the location, you may also have to allow user www-data to access the static folder. If you encounter 403 errors, you should verify if all upstream folders have the group execute permission
$ stat -c '%A %n' /REPLACE/WITH
drwx------ /REPLACE/WITH # <- x permission on group is missing, you have to chmod g+x /REPLACE/WITH/


In most settings, we recommend updating this configuration to use HTTPS instead of HTTP, but this is not described here as each organization handles certificates differently.

Accessing FAME

If you followed instruction in order to install FAME in production, you should now be able to access FAME at http://DOMAIN_OR_IP/.

Otherwise, the development version should be available at http://DOMAIN_OR_IP:4200/.

You can now follow the Administrator Guide.

Installing a remote worker

FAME can have as many workers as you want. This can be useful in order to analyze more malware at the same time, or to have different capabilities (for example, a Windows worker could use different tools).

The installation process for a remote worker is the same, with less steps. You can only add a remote worker if you already have a working FAME installation.

Install dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install git python3 python3-pip python3-virtualenv

Clone the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd fame

Run the install script, and answer the questions (choose ‘2’ for installation type):

$ utils/ utils/ worker

You can now start your worker:

$ utils/ utils/

In production environments, you can use the same systemd configuration file detailed above.

You might want to have a look at the worker’s documentation (FIX LINK) if you want to customize your setup (for example in order to use different queues).

Installing on Windows

When installing on Windows, install the following dependencies:

You can then follow the same installation instructions:

> pip install virtualenv
> git clone
> cd fame
> utils\run.cmd utils\

Before starting FAME, make sure to follow the specific installation instructions for python-magic on Windows ( The three DLLs should be on your PATH (you can directly put them in the fame directory if you want).

Isolated Processing Modules

Some modules (that inherit from IsolatedProcessingModule) require the use of Virtual Machines to work properly. You will recognize these modules by the fact that they are asking for virtualization information in their configuration.

Here is how you can create a Virtual Machine that will work with these modules:

  • Use virtualization software that has a VirtualizationModule (FAME currently has support for Virtualbox and KVM).

  • Install the operating system of your choice (verify the module’s requirements in the module’s README).

  • Install Python 3.

  • Install flask (pip install flask).

  • Configure networking. You have two options:
    • Use NAT. If you do, you have to make sure to enable port forwarding so that port 4242 inside the guest is mapped to a port of your choice on the host. This port should then be specified in the module’s configuration.

    • Use Host-Only. If you do, make sure to set a static IP address and specify this IP address in the module’s configuration.

  • Make sure to install module’s dependencies (see module’s README for instructions).

  • Copy FAME’s agent (in agent/ on the system.

  • Make sure the agent is running.

  • Create a snapshot. You have to put the snapshot name in the module’s configuration.


Depending on what you are trying to do, your Virtual Machine might need some hardening in order for malware to properly execute. These steps are not described here.

Updating FAME

When you want to update your instance, you can use the following command:

$ utils/ utils/

Then, do not forget to restart the webserver and worker for changes to be effective. On a production environment, this would be done with the following commands:

$ sudo systemctl restart fame_web
$ sudo systemctl restart fame_worker

Changing authentication methods

On a fresh installation, FAME is being configured to authenticate users against a local user database. As a FAME administrator, you may want to use external sources for authenticating users.

This can be done by changing one setting (auth=) in the FAME config file (fame.conf) on the web server. Currently supported authentication methods are:

You can enable multiple authentication methods at the same time by setting multiple values in fame.conf (eg, auth=oidc user_password).


Some authentication methods may require additional configurations. The associated with each method does provide additional details on what needs to be configured.

It is also possible to completely disable authentication to the FAME interface, by setting auth=single_user in fame.conf. This will also disable the user management page.